logo    Moudry-traps  Special live bird traps   Many years experience with catching birds for ringing purposes 

How to pay.



Payment must be made in advance.

All prices are charged generally in EUR, but payment in CZK is also possible (quoted in brackets). Please indicate it in the order form if you prefer payment in CZK (It can be advantageous for customers from out of EU destinations.). This information is important for setting the payment process.

Accepted payment methods:

1. Bank transfer:
Preferred method. Bank details are stated in invoice attached to order confirmation.


2. Payment by credit card:

are accepted.

Payment by credit card is realized by Paypal payment gate. In this case a special payment request e-mail (with access to payment gate) is sent together with the order confirmation.


3. Payment by PayPal account:
Payment by Paypal account is realized by Paypal payment gate. In this case a special payment request e-mail (with access to payment gate) is sent together with the order confirmation.

If you have some question, don't hesitate to contact us.

Views and questions VISITORS

imgThomas imgThomas img05.12.2019 18:47
imggary imggary olsen img17.07.2018 16:14
img img imgimgRe: gary imgPayment img07.03.2019 13:17
img img imgimgRe: gary imgPayment img07.03.2019 13:17